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Art Week at Caroline Haslett 9th to 13th September 2024

Art Week at Caroline Haslett

From Pablo Picasso to Leonardo da Vinci, children have utterly immersed themselves in everything art this week. During Art Week, many of our children kicked off the year with a trip to explore art in our local community. 

The children in Year 5 and 6 had the amazing opportunity to meet some real artists at Westbury Arts Centre and ask them lots of questions about their exhibitions and how they can pursue art in the future. In Years 2, 3 and 4, the children visited MK Gallery to see their exhibition: MK Calling. The children were captivated by the different pieces of artwork and explored how art isn't always as it seems. At school, our children have been researching a range of artists across history and have been learning about their life, artwork and inspiration. Linked with this, the children have also produced some masterpieces inspired by their artist. It has been lovely to see the children excitedly talking about art and sharing some of the artwork that they have been creating at home too. 

To celebrate the end of Art Week, we are excited as a school to share the amazing work that our children have produced this week, and we would like to invite you to join us after school on Tuesday 17th September to see your children's hard work in our very own CHPS art gallery.

More pictures in the 'Gallery' section of the website.