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Upcoming events

Dates for the Diary 

15th Jan 7:30pm - Friends Committee meeting, Staff Room

Jan/Feb date TBC - Foundation Bed Time Story Mixer

Looking to 2025

As well as the launch of an exciting new fund-raising project in collaboration with the school, we will be running our popular events such as School Discos, Movies and Munchies, Easter Bingo and a Foundation Bed Time Story Mixer.

We would love to welcome new committee members who are willing to help us plan and run these events, so please put the next meeting date in your diary and come along on 15th Jan 7:30pm in the School Staff Room.

We held our first Reindeer Race Night in the school hall on Friday 6th December. A great time was had, in particular by the children, who couldn’t get close enough! There are always lessons to learn with new events, but with some tweaks, we think you’ll be seeing more racing in the future!

Christmas Family Activity Bags

The ‘Friends Elves’ are getting your bags ready to be brought home before school breaks up on Friday 20th December.