Upcoming events
Dates for the Diary
5th February - Disco Night
February date TBC - Foundation 'Bed Time Story' Mixer
6th February - Next Committee Meeting, all new members and volunteers are welcome
6th March - (Y1 - Y3) Movies and Munchies
13th March - (Y3 - Y6) Movies and Munchies
28th March - Easter Bingo
Disco Time
Our first event of the term will be the ever popular Disco. Tickets will go on sale next week, but before we can sell tickets, we need volunteers! If you can spare just over an hour on the day to help us prep food or hand out drinks and food etc, please get in touch via Email: chpsfriendschat@gmail.com or Facebook @FriendsofCarolineHaslettPrimarySchool
Times for helping on 5th Feb: Food prep from 2pm to 3pm, Helpers need to be available: Disco 1 for Yrs 1 to 3 from 4:15 to 5:40 and 2nd Disco for Yrs 4 to 5 from 5:45 to 7:40.
Tickets will be on sale soon. Watch out for an email on Parent Mail and if you volunteer to help, your child/ren will receive free entry to the event.