Please contact the school office for further details regarding the clubs we offer at Caroline Haslett Primary School.
For Breakfast Clubs, please bring your child to the school office door, dressed in appropriate clothing, at 7.55am.
After-school clubs will all start straight from school and will finish at 4.30pm (unless otherwise stated).
There may be other school events held that will mean cancelling clubs. If sessions need to be cancelled later on, advance warning will be given and these sessions will be refunded if necessary.
Please only apply for clubs your child definitely wants to join.
Clubs can only run if enough children have signed up and if you withdraw your request, you will still be charged. Once signed up, you are committed for the full term.
If your child participates in an outdoor club, and it is raining, the club will move indoors, where possible, and children will take part in an indoor activity. Please ensure children have appropriate footwear and clothing as the field may be muddy.
Payments are for all sessions, and we regret we are not able to part refund due to absence or participation in team matches. If, for any reason, your child is unable to attend a session, PLEASE let the school office know.
We have an external supplier 'Let's Kick it' that run some of our clubs. Booking and payment for these clubs is done online, directly through them.
The latest clubs are listed in the document below.